Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Licence keys

It's been a while since my last post, and I apologize a lot for that.. So much stuff has been going on lately :(

Anyway, today I'm gonna talk a little about licence keys. We all know that when we install a certain game on our computer, in many cases it requires us to enter a CD-key to install the program. This sort of thing is used a lot of other places as well - not just on games. Licence keys are also located in shareware programs and licenced programs to keep track of Expiration dates and to make sure the product key isn't shared with others. These keys are usually comfirmed online to see if they're real and to see if they're being used on more than 1 computer at a time. Certain programs even give you an online account where you register your key into and then have to be logged onto the internet for the program to run properly.

The keys themselves are developed from advanced mathematical algorithms and are thus able to be cracked. This is where the so called "Key-generators" come in. They provide you with keys in the advanced key algorithm that are accepted by the program at first. However, in many of todays programs and games, when you try to go online with it - you'll be stopped by a server check if your key is fake.


  1. such a great read :)

  2. but at least you can play cracked games offline to check if you like em ;D... or just run an own server to play offline...works for some games ;P

  3. Yeah. Stealing is bad. But so is charging for content that should be provided for free. Paying for map packs>? lolsad.

  4. Once I downloaded NFS Undercover and I tried like 20 keys and the didn't work. That's why sometimes it's better to pay for the stuff you want.

  5. developers getting smart lately

  6. For wicked Cleon and his wife, when fame Following!

  7. followin this one, looks good. all i gotta say is damn those license keys.

  8. I need opinions on women with unspeakably high standards in men. I want to show this girly what the internet thinks. Please help me help her see the light, or if I am in the wrong please help me see the light because this girl is out of her mind... at least in mine.

  9. Led on by heaven, and crownd with joy at last: Following!
